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The South Central Telehealth Resource Center is pleased to announce the appointment of Hari Eswaran, PhD, as Principal Investigator and Director.

Dr. Eswaran has been with the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) for 16 years where he serves as a professor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and as the Scientific Director of SARA (Superconducting Quantum Interference Device Array for Reproductive Assessment). Dr. Eswaran holds a PhD in Applied Science and has also been recognized as an Interdisciplinary Research Leader by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) where he helps to equip teams of researchers and on-the-ground change agents with advanced leadership skills and a clear focus on health and equity, allowing them to apply health research and policy to meet the pressing needs of communities.

“The entire SCTRC project team is excited for the opportunity to work more closely with Dr. Eswaran. He is an experienced Researcher and is the International Telehealth Coordinator for the UAMS Center for Distance Health. He has a wealth of experience in telehealth and connected health research.” – Wendy Ross, Assistant Director.

Over the years, Dr. Eswaran has published more than 100 papers and served as a member of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Biocomputing and Health Informatics panel.

As the Scientific Director of SARA, Dr. Eswaran leads research efforts to help physicians detect and prevent brain damage resulting from maternal hypertension, diabetes, and other conditions, through the use of a scanning device.

His focus on research led Dr. Eswaran to become a Co-Founder of the Society for Education and the Advancement of Research in Connected Health (SEARCH) and a member of the SEARCH2018 Scientific Committee.

Welcome to the team, Dr. Eswaran!

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