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The following is a list of legislative activities compiled by the Center for Connected Health Policy (CCHP) for telehealth and telemedicine within the South Central region (AR, MS, and TN). CCHP has a pending legislation/regulation webpage located at the following link:



Pending Legislation

State Bill # Status Summary
Mississippi HB 1130 1/16/18: Introduced and referred to House Committee on Drug Policy Allows telemedicine providers to provide substance use disorder treatment.
Mississippi HB 1229 1/16/18: To House Committee on Medicaid Authorizes House and Senate Medicaid Committees to hire a third-party consultant to review the Mississippi Medicaid program to improve efficiency and eliminate waste, including the optimization of the use of telemedicine.
Mississippi HB 799 1/11/18: Introduced and referred to Public Health and Human Services Committee Provides that health insurance companies and employee benefit plans may limit telemedicine coverage to health care providers in network with the plan instead of in a telemedicine network approved by the plan; revises the definition of store and forward telemedicine services for the purposes of coverage and reimbursement for those services; revises the criteria for qualifying patients for remote patient monitoring services.
Mississippi SB 2840 1/22/18: Referred to Senate Committee on Accountability, Efficiency, Transparency Authorizes telemedicine providers to provide treatment of substance use disorders, including medication-assisted treatment.
Mississippi SB 2904 1/22/18: Referred to Senate Committee on Public Health and Welfare Revises the provision which authorizes health care providers to offer telemedicine services; provides definitions and conditions on providers offering telemedicine services; authorizes the state board of medical licensure to promulgate rules relating to telemedicine with certain exceptions.
Tennessee HB 1747 1/22/18: Introduced Adds trained and licensed education personnel to those persons who may staff telehealth services at a school site.
Tennessee SB 1778 1/25/18: To Senate Committee on Commerce and Labor Adds trained and licensed education personnel to those persons who may staff telehealth services at a school site.



Carry Over from 2017

State Bill # Status Summary
Tennessee HB 518 4/5/17: Taken off notice of cal. in s/c Health Subcommittee Requires the commissioner of health to study and report on recommendations for legislation concerning telehealth and telemedicine under existing statute.  The recommendations must examine the need for improving the effective use of telemedicine and telehealth among healthcare providers and insurers.
Tennessee SB 601 4/4/17: In Senate Committee on Commerce and Labor. Referred to General Subcommittee. Requires the commissioner of health to study and report on recommendations for legislation concerning telehealth and telemedicine under existing statute.  The recommendations must examine the need for improving the effective use of telemedicine and telehealth among healthcare providers and insurers.




Pending Regulation

State Reg. Citation Status Summary
Mississippi Part 2635, Chapter 5, Rule 5.7 12/11/17: Proposed ruleComment Deadline: 12/5/18 Title: TelemedicineAgency: Board of Medical Licensure

Amends rules to include Level Two Hospital Trauma Centers as it relates to exceptions for requirements for 24 hour coverage.


Adopted Regulation

Tennessee TAC 0800-2-17-.1-.25 11/27/17: Rule AdoptedEffective: 2/25/18 Title: Rules for Medical PaymentsAgency: Division of Workers’ Compensation

For telehealth, states that the definitions, licensing and processes for the purpose of these rules shall be the same as adopted by the Tennessee Department of Health.  Reimbursement will be based on the applicable Medicare guidelines and coding for the different service providers.

Arkansas 016.06.17 9/20/17: Rule adoptionEffective: 9/30/17 Title: Provider-Led Arkansas Shared Savings EntitiesAgency: Division of Medical Services

A new Provider-Led Arkansas Shared Savings Entity (PASSE) Program policy manual is available for all PASSE providers.  Provides a definition for telemedicine and allows the required face-to-face encounter for care coordinators to take place over telemedicine.

Arkansas 067.00.17 12/19/17: AdoptedEffective: 12/29/17 Title: Advanced Practice Registered NurseAgency: Board of Nursing

Amends rules regarding advanced practice registered nurse.  Creates telemedicine standards for the profession.

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