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Join us for the next Quarterly Thought Conference, which is scheduled for June 14, 2016 at 3 p.m., CDT. The topic will be, “Safe Telemedicine Practice.”

The speaker will be Christa Natoli, Vice President of Innovations, The Robert J. Waters Center for Telehealth & e-Health Law (CTeL).

christanatoliChrista oversees all business development efforts and strategic operations. She has extensive experience in policy matters and has developed strong relationships with all 50 state medical boards, senior members of Congress, foreign embassies, the United Nations and World Health Organization.

Christa has particular expertise in prescribing and physical examination requirements for telehealth encounters. She also has deep knowledge of issues related to mHealth, reimbursement, physician and nurse licensure and international telemedicine.

Before joining CTeL, Christa worked as a business development director and public relations and marketing advisor with companies and nonprofits. She also has experience with state level and congressional campaigns, grassroots organizing, strategy and research.

Christa is a published author and noted lecturer and speaker. Before graduating from Harvard, Christa devoted two years to conducting ground-breaking research on international telemedicine adoption and acceptance in remote, rural regions of Pakistan. She also assisted in editing former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto’s bestseller, Reconciliation: Islam, Democracy and the West, for which she received a special thank you in the book’s acknowledgments.

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