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ChipSince attending the first South Central Telehealth Forum in 2013 in Little Rock, I can now reflect on the many telehealth advancements made in our region. Many thanks to all of you who have played a part in this success story. Also, thank you for providing valuable resources and positive impact.

While Mississippi State University is not in the field of medicine, we can play a vital role in telehealth to educate and encourage its adoption through our MSU Extension Service footprint. For over 100 years, we have been known as a trusted grassroots partner in many areas of life for family and business. The MSU-ES is the off-campus educational arm of the university with experts and support personnel in offices located in all 82 Mississippi counties. The MSU-ES mission statement is:

“The Mississippi State University Extension Service provides research-based information, education programs, and technology transfer focused on issues and needs of the people of  Mississippi, enabling them to make informed decisions about their economic, social, and
cultural well-being.”

My role in MSU-ES is serving as the Telehealth Education Manager through the Department of Food Science, Nutrition, & Health Promotion. It is a pleasure to share the telehealth opportunities to our agents and citizens throughout Mississippi and how this technology can lead to improved health.

Currently, a priority goal is to development and implement a comprehensive collaborative online presence featuring community-based health related information and resources throughout each of the 82 counties. The vision is to coordinate and maintain the mapping of online and physical resources related to health available to Mississippi residents. Physicians and clients could utilize the website, such as to promote support group meetings on various medical conditions as well as encourage the use of walking tracks and sharing of healthy recipes.

As a proud member of the SCTRC Advisory Council since 2013, it is a pleasure to serve our region with the caring team at I am very appreciative of the late Adam Rule for inviting me as well as inspiring me to be part of such a fine organization.

Chip Templeton
Telehealth Education Manager, MSU Extension Service
Dept. of Food Science, Nutrition, & Health Promotion
Mississippi State University
Mississippi State, MS 39762

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