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Legislative Update

By March 5, 2015May 4th, 2020No Comments


State Bill # Status Summary
Arkansas SB 133 1/26/15: Introduced and referred to Senate Committee on Public Health, Welfare and Labor Sponsor: BledsoeThis bill would authorize reimbursement and regulation of services provided through telemedicine, among other things.
Arkansas HB 1076 2/17/15: Re-referred to House Committee on Public Health, Welfare and Labor. This bill would prohibit the use of telemedicine to administer the abortion pill.  Similar to SB 53.
Mississippi HB 114 2/17/15: Referred to Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee and Appropriations Committee This bill would establish the Mississippi Rural Hospital Transition and Improvement Grant Program. Under the grant, moneys can be used for (among other things) establishing a telemedicine system.
Tennessee HB 660 2/19/15: Assigned to s/c Insurance and Banking Subcommittee. Amends Tennessee Code relative to telemedicine, clarifying that for a health insurance entity to be required to provide coverage for a telehealth encounter, it must involve a licensed health care provider. Similar to SB 725.
Tennessee HB 699 2/19/15: Assigned to s/c Health Subcommittee. This bill clarifies certain standards related to a telehealth encounter, including consent, a provider-patient relations, licensing, and the definition of telehealth.
Tennessee HB 976 2/24/15: Assigned to s/c Health Subcommittee. This bill defines teledentistry and allows initial and subsequent examinations by dentists to be accomplished by means of teledentistry.
Tennessee SB 725 2/18/15: Passed on Second Consideration, referred to Senate Commerce and Labor Committee. Amends Tennessee Code relative to telemedicine, clarifying that for a health insurance entity to be required to provide coverage for a telehealth encounter, it must involve a licensed health care provider. Similar to HB 660.
Tennessee SB 1214 2/19/15: Passed Second Consideration; referred to Senate Health and Welfare Committee This bill defines teledentistry and allows initial and subsequent examinations by dentists to be accomplished by means of teledentistry.
Tennessee SB 1223 2/19/15: Passed on Second Consideration; referred to Senate Health and Welfare Committee. This bill relates to Physicians and Surgeons; establishes requirements and protections for healthcare providers that practice telehealth.
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