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SEARCH2017 – Telehealth Research Symposium


April 4-5, 2017


Lansdowne Resort
Leesburg, Virginia

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SEARCH 2017 Call for Abstracts

By request, deadline extended to midnight February 28, 2017.

The Society for Education and the Advancement of Research in Connected Health (SEARCH) Research Symposium will showcase connected health efforts, strategies, and partnerships, specifically those that focus on the research of telemedicine, telehealth, eHealth, mHealth, and other healthcare technologies.

The SEARCH Telehealth Research Symposium is soliciting abstracts for panel presentations as well as posters for our upcoming conference April 4-5, 2017.

The submission period is January 11, 2017 through February 28, 2017. Abstracts are due no later than midnight February 28, 2017.  Submissions should be made via this ABSTRACT SUBMISSION.  Download the form, complete, save to your computer, and then email to for consideration.

If you have any questions, please email

  • Submit using the ABSTRACT SUBMISSION form. (Questions? Please email
  • Limited to 250 words
  • Abstracts written to promote a product, company, or service will NOT be considered.
  • Jury of peers will review and select abstracts for presentations based on the scoring guidelines provided below
  • Must be received by midnight (12 AM CST) February 28, 2017.
  • Notifications will be sent by March 1, 2017.
  • Focus areas:
    • Connected Health Research (examples: telemedicine, telehealth, eHealth, mHealth)
    • Evaluation of Connected Health Research
    • Barriers of Connected Health Research
    • Advancing Connected Health Research
    • Building Partnerships using Connected Health Research

Scoring Guidelines

  1. Merit
    • Will such a discussion offer new knowledge to conference attendees?
    • Will such a discussion highlight current connected health research endeavors and their findings or identify the need for connected health research endeavors?
    • Will such a discussion present findings, strategies, and outcomes that may benefit other connected health endeavors?
  1. Clarity
    • Does the abstract clearly, concisely, and logically convey the intent of the presentation and support the title, background, purpose, results and conclusions?
  2. Innovation
    • Will such a discussion be timely and relevant to the activities, initiatives, or direction of connected health?
    • Will such a discussion cover one or more of the stated focus areas?
  3. Non-Promotional/Commercial in Nature
    • Does the abstract have any commercial affiliation that may tarnish the objectivity of the presentation?

Important Information

Podium presentations

  • If you are selected for a podium presentation, please keep in mind sessions are 60 minutes long and you will be assigned a speaking time ranging from 15 to 30 minutes.

Poster presentations

  • Dimensions and other specifications will be provided upon notification of poster presentation acceptance.
  • Posters must remain in place until the conclusion of the session.

Upon notification of acceptance, you will have two weeks to confirm and register participation in the conference.  Podium presenters will be offered a discounted rate for registration.

South Central Telehealth Resource Center

Telehealth Research Symposium


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