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SEARCH2017 – Telehealth Research Symposium


April 4-5, 2017


Lansdowne Resort
Leesburg, Virginia

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Proving the Benefit of Connected Health Systems

SEARCH2017 invites connected health researchers, academicians, and innovators to join in structured and open discussions of telemedicine research, findings, and priorities. SEARCH2017 seeks to both share findings and foster research partnerships among researchers and organizations that wish to define and develop the field of connected health research.

This one and one-half day event sets out to advance evidence-based research which proves the benefit of connected health systems.  SEARCH2017 is presented by the newly-formed Society for Education and the Advancement of Research in Connected Health (SEARCH) and by the South Central Telehealth Resource Center and immediately follows the MATRC2017 Telehealth Summit on April 3-4. Come early and join us for lunch at 12:00 pm. The SEARCH2017 conference sessions will begin at 1:00 pm on April 4, 2017.

South Central Telehealth Resource Center

Telehealth Research Symposium

Proposed topics include:

  • Why the Need for Evidence-Based Research
  • Connected Health Technologies
  • Funding Opportunities
  • Telemedicine Research and Overcoming Barriers
  • Telemedicine Evaluation
  • Educating Students in Connected Health Technologies
  • Strategic Future Directions

* Topics and speakers will be updated as they become available.

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