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Trauma - Image Repository

Program Name: Trauma Image Repository (TIR)
Clinic/Hospital Affiliation: UAMS Center for Distance Health
Program Description: Hospitals that are part of the AR Trauma System will have the ability to transfer radiologic images to a central repository. Images can be viewed or uploaded and then viewed by physicians who have accepted the trauma patient for transfer to their facility.
What can the program do for sites? It allows access to images of patients who are being transferred to a higher level of care in the AR Trauma System
Accepting new members? Yes.
•  Must have willingness to participate and abide by rules of HIPPA •  Must sign Participant agreement •  Must register all Users with unique email address for that facility
•  Must be designated as a trauma facility in AR •  Complete TELEHEALTH 101 (This course from the South Central Telehealth Resource Center is recommended for all personnel new to telehealth and the equipment used. Contact us to learn when the next class is scheduled.)
Steps to maintain membership: Contact program manager.
Program Contact: For more information or to join this program, please contact:
Terri Imus o: 501-526-7180 e:
If your clinic/hospital has a telehealth program that you would like to promote, contact at 1.855.664.3450 or send an email to .

Please note: These programs are subject to change and conditions of enrollment and continued membership are at the sole discretion of the program owner/developer. For more information, contact the affiliated contact, clinic or hospital as shown above.
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