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If you are looking to improve your data skills, Back to Data Basics is a great opportunity to learn from our experts about how to access and utilize a variety of Census Bureau data products, tools, and resources.

Each webinar will give you foundational information and skills necessary to work with data from the Census Bureau. The series will offer 2-4 webinars every month until September 2022. All classes are free and open to the public. Registration is limited and will be available on a first-come first-served basis.

View all events and more information here: 

All Webinars in This Series


This webinar introduce information on the agency, locations, and the agency’s most prominent censuses and surveys. Streamlining the Way You Get Data

Join us to learn how to search for and download data, use the map feature, and customize table views on

Your Business by the Numbers: Census Business Builder

Learn how to access statistics on the characteristics of customers in your market and businesses in your industry.

The Road to Employment Dynamics: OnTheMap

This training is designed for local planners, businesses, and other data users who want to research local workforce and employment trends.

Using Population Estimates and Projections

Learn how the Census Bureau can estimate the population and how it is able to provide projections for the coming years.

Your Community by the Numbers: Race and Ethnicity

Learn how to access data from the Census Bureau on race and ethnicity, using a variety of online tools.

The Psychology of Mapping Census Bureau Data

We will dive into the Census Bureau’s data platform and learn how to retrieve ACS and/or Decennial Census information, and then demonstrate how to map it.

Your Community by the Numbers: Ancestry, and Foreign-Born Populations

Learn about how to access data from the Census Bureau on the foreign-born and ancestry groups using a variety of online tools available at

Application Programming Interface (API)

Learn how to use the Census Bureau’s application programming interface (API) to quickly access data in a standardized way.

Data on a Deadline for Journalists

This training is designed to give reporters an overview of the power of Census Bureau data for storytelling.

Top 3 Tools Tour

Join this webinar to learn how to access frequently requested statistics using three of the U.S. Census Bureau’s top data tools.

To Nest, or Not to Nest, That is the Quest

In this session, learn about the interconnections of Census Bureau geographies in order to better pinpoint your data selections.

Puerto Rico – English

Learn what data is available for Puerto Rico and how to access them online and download your results using our data retrieval tools.

Puerto Rico – Spanish

Learn what data is available for Puerto Rico and how to access them online and download your results using our data retrieval tools.

How to Access Education Data

Learn how to access education data, using a variety of online tools.

Your Community by the Numbers: Data for Community Development

Learn how to use to access the most current and relevant demographic, socioeconomic, and housing statistics about your community.

OnTheMap for Emergency Management

This tool provides an web-based interface for accessing U.S. population and workforce statistics, in real-time, for areas being affected by natural disasters.

Women and Minority Owned Businesses and Entrepreneurs

Find out how the Census Bureau measures key information about businesses and industries in this overview of our social and economic programs.

Using Census Bureau Data for Grant Writing

This webinar will help you successfully navigate to capture the information you need to support your grant writing.

Data for Congressional and State Legislative Districts

Learn more about your congressional district and your state legislative districts (upper and lower chambers).

The American Community Survey: A Comprehensive Look

Learn about basics of the yearly estimates and datasets produced from the ACS, resources available on our website, and how to access ACS data products.

Data Access and Cross Tabulation Using MDAT

Learn how to access American Community Survey and Current Population Survey Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS) files, and customize tables using MDAT.

Finding Census Bureau Data to Complete a Business Plan

This webinar provides a brief introduction of some key Census Bureau programs and concepts, as well as a demonstration of Census Business Builder (CBB).

Accessing American Indian and Alaska Native Statistics

Learn how to access demographic, socioeconomic, and housing data about American Indian & Alaska Native populations, reservations, and trust lands.

Veteran Data by the Numbers

Learn how to access the most up-to-date demographic, socioeconomic, housing, and business statistics about our Veterans.

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