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Vanderbilt Telemedicine offers high-quality care to patients and 24/7 neurology consults to providers, services that otherwise would not be available in rural communities. When used appropriately, telemedicine can save lives and make care more efficient for everyone.

Benefits for Providers

Hospitals and providers throughout Tennessee and surrounding states can consult with Vanderbilt specialists through telemedicine, offering their patients subspecialty care without long trips. For regional providers, Vanderbilt Telemedicine offers:

  • High clinical quality
  • Higher efficiency
  • Rapid-response consults in subspecialty areas
  • Direct feedback from experienced specialists without the need to travel to Nashville
  • Reduced health care costs
  • Ability to admit complex patients and offer convenient care close to home

A recent research study with Williamson Medical Center in Franklin, Tenn. showed that 85% of patients who received 24/7 teleneurology services from Vanderbilt were able to be admitted to WMC. These patients received excellent care with positive outcomes while staying closer to home. In some cases these patients received emergent specialty stroke care that can avert significant brain damage.

“It has been a distinct pleasure to work with the Vanderbilt neurologists in developing the teleneurology program that we now have at WMC,” said Starling C. Evins, M.D., chief medical officer at WMC.

We are proud to have Dr. David Charles and Amber Humphrey, both of the Vanderbilt Telemedicine program, on our agenda of speakers at the South Central Telehealth Forum. They will lead a session on Adult & Geriatric Telemedicine. We encourage anyone interested in Teleneurology to participate!

Check out this video to learn more about Vanderbilt’s Teleneurology program!

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