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TeleGenetics Conference Breaks New Ground

By September 29, 2014February 26th, 2024No Comments

Last week, genetics counselors and geneticists from around the country entered new territory: TeleGenetics. These health professionals converged in Little Rock, AR and Tucson, AZ and were connected by interactive video to faculty from both sites as well as Hawaii and Kansas. The two day conference taught geneticists and genetics counselors how to provide their services via Telemedicine.

After taking online courses on on the basic concepts of Telehealth and Telemedicine, the professionals traveled to one of two sites for classroom training and hands on simulations. The participants earned continuing education credits from their respective professional education associations and gained the knowledge needed to move their practice into the realm of Telemedicine. This has a huge benefit for patients who may have to travel upwards of three hours to get test results.

Due to the success of this program, another course is planned for Spring 2015.  If you are interested in attending a hands-0n, Telemedicine simulation program to develop a new practice, contact

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