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South Central Advisory Council Meets in Little Rock

By June 25, 2014February 26th, 2024No Comments

The 2013-2015 South Central Telehealth Research Center (SCTRC) Advisory Board held its kick-off meeting Thursday, May 8th in downtown Little Rock. The Board is comprised of Telehealth leaders from Arkansas, Mississippi, and Tennessee. Carl W. Taylor, JD, Executive Director of the Fraser Institute for Health and Risk Analytics led the enthusiastic exchange among the membership and much ground was covered.

Key points taken from the collaboration included focusing on quality and identifying projects that provide value for the payer, provider, and patient. Measuring results, sharing best practices and lessons learned were also discussed. Finally, a call for using patient friendly language instead of “TeleTech-speak” was issued.

The inaugural meeting of the SCTRC Advisory Board ended with plans to begin a tri-state Telehealth pilot project. The SCTRC outreach team will provide updates as details emerge on the pilot project. We look forward to our next meeting and the innovative work to come!

Katie Burns
Government & Regulatory
Ray Hanley
Arkansas Foundation for Medical Care
Jodianne Tritt, JD
Arkansas Hospital Association
Bradley Schaefer, MD, FAAP, FACMG
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
(to be announced)
Community Health Centers of Arkansas, Inc.
Kristi Henderson, DNP, NP-BC, FAEN
University of Mississippi Medical Center
Ryan Kelly
Mississippi Rural Health Association
Chip Templeton, Jr.
North Mississippi State
Rozelia Harris, MBA
Mississippi State Department of Health
Robert M. Pugh
Mississippi Primary Health Care Association
Gerald Wages
North Mississippi Hospital System
Terry W. Eagleton
Tennessee Telehealth Network
Corey R. Johns
Connected Tennessee
David Charles, MD
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Amber B. Humphrey
Vanderbilt Network Services
Deborah A. Lance
Solutions to Obstetrics in Rural Counties (STORC)
Kelly Harper
Vanderbilt Telemedicine

 updated 6/25/2014


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