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What’s Happening in Telehealth in MS, Little Rock…and Arizona!

By September 17, 2013February 26th, 2024No Comments


I want to give you a quick update on what’s happening on the LearnTelehealth calendar the next few weeks. The staff of LearnTelehealth/SCTRC will be traveling far and wide to spread telehealth knowledge and expertise.

Mississippi Rural Health Association Annual Meeting

Tamara P. Perry, SCTRC education coordinator, will be at the Mississippi RHA meeting this week in Jackson, MS. LearnTelehealth is one of the primary conference sponsors. Tamara will have a busy week meeting and networking. If you’re planning on attending stop by the LearnTelehealth booth. Also check out her tweets from the event on

The Connect Arkansas “Connecting Arkansas Internet Conference”

This conference, put on by one of our grantors, is being held Thursday, September 26 at the Marriott in downtown Little Rock. There is an opening reception on Wednesday, September 25. Michael Manley, from the UAMS Center for Distance Health and a LearnTelehealth advisor, will moderate a round table discussion titled, “Internet Innovations in Arkansas’s Health Care.” As of this writing, there’s still time to register so do it!

Perinatal Conference and Women’s Health Update

The UAMS ANGELS and Center for Distance Health is putting on it’s annual Perinatal Conference at the Embassy Suites on September 25-27. This year it’s combined with the Women’s Health Update. Register here for the conference. It’s a jam-packed event with two talks by Dr. Joshua Dahlke, OB-GYN and lots of other great speakers and topics. The theme this year is “Comprehensive Care from A to Zzzzzzz.” Dr. Dahlke will speak on sleep issues in pregnancy as well as sleep issues with peri and postmenopausal women.

Telehealth Resource Center Mid-Year Retreat

As you might know, LearnTelehealth is also known as the South Central Telehealth Resource Center. As a “TRC” we partner with 13 other resource centers around the country to offer up telehealth education, resources and program-building expertise. Every year we meet in-person twice to share, plan and set goals for the coming months and years. This group is full of many brilliant people (present company excluded) so it’s really a great example of getting the smartest people in telehealth together in one room. We’ll keep you posted. See our Twitter feed for updates.

Who was your favorite cast member? Wasn’t Shirley great?


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