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Research Roundup – Telemedicine and Telehealth research, July 2013

By July 30, 2013February 29th, 2024No Comments

LearnTelehealth Research Roundup

It’s important to keep abreast of research and evaluation going on in our field of telemedicine and telehealth. It’s easy to find out about vendor-driven news releases and white papers yet somewhat more difficult to find useful peer-reviewed research on telemedicine. With that we begin a new recurring blog post series, the LearnTelehealth Research Roundup. This should save you some digital shoe leather by compiling and curating some of the best and most interesting research going on in telemedicine and telehealth.

I’ll add this footnote, the links and information used for this series are pulled from Google Scholar (GS). According to Wikipedia, Google Scholar, “…is a freely accessible web search engine that indexes the full text of scholarly literature across an array of publishing formats and disciplines.” Here’s a more critical look at Google Scholar if you’re interested. GS uses the tag line, “Stand on the shoulders of giants”

Below are some interesting telehealth research articles found using the key words, “telehealth” and “telemedicine.”

Impact of Telemedicine on Hospital Transport, Length of Stay, and Medical Outcomes in Infants with Suspected Heart Disease: A Multicenter Study

Webb CL, Waugh CL, Grigsby J, Busenbark D, Berdusis K, Sahn DJ, Sable CA; American Society of Echocardiography Telemedicine Collaborators’ Group.    J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 2013 Jul 13. doi:pii: S0894-7317(13)00406-9. 10.1016/j.echo.2013.05.018.

[Epub ahead of print] PMID:23860093 [PubMed – as supplied by publisher]

Evaluating Interactive Videoconferencing for Assessing Symptoms of Autism

R. Matthew Reese, Rene Jamison, Maura Wendland, Kandace Fleming, Matthew J. Braun, Jessica Oeth Schuttler, and Josh Turek. Telemedicine and e-Health. -Not available-, ahead of print. doi:10.1089/tmj.2012.0312.

Brain Development, Mental Health and Addiction: A Podcast Series for Undergraduate Medical Education

Colla MacDonald, Hugh , Kellam PhD (C), Catherine Peirce, (2013) “Brain Development, Mental Health and Addiction: A Podcast Series for Undergraduate Medical Education”, Interactive Technology and Smart Education, Vol. 10 Iss: 3

Telemedical technologies in urological cancer care: past, present and future applications.

Bogen EM, Aarsæther E, Augestad KM, Lindsetmo RO, Patel HR. Expert Rev Anticancer Ther. 2013 Jul;13(7):795-809. doi: 10.1586/14737140.2013.811036.

The Financial Impact of a Pediatric Telemedicine Program: A Children’s Hospital’s Perspective

Madan Dharmar, Candace K. Sadorra, Paul Leigh, Nikki H. Yang, Thomas S. Nesbitt, and James P. Marcin. Telemedicine and e-Health. July 2013, 19(7): 502-508. doi:10.1089/tmj.2012.0266.

Critical Look at the User Satisfaction with Asynchronous Telemedicine

Ahmad Fayaz-Bakhsh and Zahra Goodarzi. Telemedicine and e-Health. July 2013, 19(7): 568-569. doi:10.1089/tmj.2012.0237.

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