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New School-Based Telemedicine Track Added!

Join us March 2, 2015 in Jackson, Mississippi for the 3rd Annual South Central Telehealth Forum!

Telehealth is quickly expanding across the nation in healthcare, academic and governmental institutions. The University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Center for Distance Health and the South Central Telehealth Resource Center invite you to attend, support and exhibit at its third annual, three-state telehealth conference on March 2, 2015 at the Hilton Jackson Hotel in downtown Jackson, Mississippi.

Telehealth experts from Arkansas, Mississippi and Tennessee will give presentations, lead discussions and network about telehealth.  Additionally, participants can register for the March 1st pre-conference workshops which include hands-on training.  (*Seating limited. Participants must purchase tickets and register in advance.) The full-day conference, held on March 2nd, will feature speakers and presentations focusing on sustainability, clinical programs, program development and technical understanding.


The Jackson Hilton Hotel, Jackson, MS
1001 East County Line Road, Jackson, MS 39211
Reservations: (601) 957-2800
Group: "CDH"

Who Should Attend?

Health Care Administrators, Nurses, Physicians, Hospital and Clinic IT Leaders, Researchers, Clinical Educators, Technology Professionals, Consultants, Academia, Policy Leaders and more...

Meet the Organizers

The South Central Telehealth Resource Center (SCTRC) serves Arkansas, Mississippi and Tennessee. It functions primarily through a website that works in partnership with the Center for Distance Health’s Training Center based at UAMS. The SCTRC focuses on telehealth education and peer interactions online. The SCTRC also conducts hands-on training in its training center or on-site. The project is funded by the Health Resource Services Administration (HRSA) through the Telehealth Resource Center grant program. The resource center website,, targets health care providers and other groups that have an interest in using telehealth. The SCTRC is part of a nationwide-network of Telehealth Resource Centers providing telehealth consultation, programmatic knowledge and hands-on training.

Meet the Supporters

This conference is made possible by the support of many people and organizations who offer guidance as well as financial support.  

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