The Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) recently released Digital Health Equity Current Practices and Approaches of Academic Medical Centers a report intended to “help shape health system strategies to embrace and leverage digital tools in a manner that respects those systems’ fundamental commitment to health and health care equity”. UAMS Institute for Digital Health & Innovation leadership members Dr. Joseph A. Sanford, MD, Dr. Kevin W. Sexton, MD, and Dr. Hari Eswaran, PhD contributed insightful conversations and resources to help highlight the importance of digital literacy training as part of workforce development.
“The team from University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences has opened five satellite sites in Arkansas and Tennessee to train current and future health professionals, including high school students, on digital literacy skills.24 This approach is unique because it focuses on health care professional digital literacy rather than only on patient digital literacy.”
To read the full AAMC report click here!
The November 2021 press release written announcing the launch of these new five satellite sites was also featured as a source in this report. To read the full press release click here!