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Identifying the need for a specific telehealth program may seem relatively easy; however, gathering information to support and develop a successful program requires a plan.

This is part 1 of a three-part blog series that will provide an overview of each phase of the California Telehealth Resource Center and the National Consortium of Telehealth Resource Centers‘ 3-phase telehealth program development plan. This plan, combined with resources available in the South Central Telehealth Resource Center service area, can help you build a successful telehealth program. Check back often for resource updates.

The complexity of your project will determine the time required to complete each phase. It’s important to remember that making decisions without the appropriate information can cost you time and money in the long run. Learning from the experiences of others can also be valuable to your development process.


greenpencilWhile working through the process steps, be sure to document your responses. This information will help you define a program model and build a business case.


Click a phase below to get started:

Phase 1: Assess & Define

Phase 2: Develop & Plan

Phase 3: Implement & Monitor

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