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Join the STAR Team, Alan Faulkner, Program Manager, and Tina Pilgreen, Health Educator/Outreach Coordinator, as they discuss details about their school-based telemedicine program including barriers and lessons.

This event was recorded on July 25, 2018.  It will require approximately one hour of your time.




Follow-Up Participant Questions:

Are there school-based telepractice services for speech and language pathology in Arkansas? 

As far as I know, there isn’t anything being done in Arkansas right now, but I know this is something needed in Arkansas. There are some issues to work through such as parents present at IEP meetings, etc. This service is being discussed.

Can we get STAR into all Arkansas schools?

Funding is the biggest issue. If we can get the program self sustainable and get Medicaid to reimburse for services via telemedicine in the schools, then we hope to roll it out to all the school-based health centers.

Can schools go out for their own funding with grants?

Absolutely. There are plenty of grants out there specifically for these areas, especially in the rural schools. A lot will depend on if the schools are incorporating telemedicine equipment or only broadening their program, etc. I think we will see a lot of growth in Arkansas as laws and coverage change, especially with Medicaid and schools. Many of our Arkansas students are covered by Medicaid.

What school personnel are used as facilitators during service delivery, if any?

Right now, for the behavioral health consults being conducted in schools, the providers have counselors or licensed clinical social workers working in the school-based health centers. The counselors and clinical social workers are the personnel facilitating the behavioral health consults, medication management, and the annual psych assessment.

For the Healthy Now program, we are relying heavily on the school-based health care coordinators who are employees of the school district. When meeting with University of Central Arkansas (UCA) students, there must be someone present. The school-based health care coordinator or the school nurse usually fulfill this duty.

What is the process to get a school-based health center at my school?

The Arkansas Department of Education (ADH) offers a grant program. If you are interested in a contact at ADH, contact Alan Faulkner at




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Enhancing Student Wellness through School-Based Telemedicine

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