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In 2018, updates and changes impacted telehealth policy across the nation.

On March 15, Mei Wa Kwong, JD, Executive Director, and Christine Calouro, Policy Associate, from the Center for Connected Health Policy (CCHP) presented a National Telehealth Resource Center webinar to provide an update on federal and state telehealth policy actions and to discuss issues that may arise throughout the year.

 Click here to view the archived presentation.


To supplement information provided in the webinar, the South Central Telehealth Resource Center would like to share information and resources regarding national and regional changes that may be helpful to you.


Medicare and Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) Reimbursement

Effective January 1, 2018, Medicare began reimbursing providers for RPM services billed under CPT code 99091.  This code reimburses qualified health care professionals for time spent collecting and interpreting physiologic data that is stored digitally and/or transmitted by the patient and/or caregiver to the qualified health care professional.

A recent article in The National Law Review provides detailed information about RPM reimbursement and CPT code details. The Medicare website explains that the change was made to reduce the administrative burden for practitioners.

  • Click here to read The National Law Review article.
  • Click here to read specific information on the Medicare website. Go to the Medicare Telehealth Services section.

Medicare Telehealth Services Fact Sheet

Effective February, 2018, the Medicare Learning Network updated the Telehealth Services booklet, which provides reimbursement information, CPT codes, and links to other Medicare-specific information, such as the Medicare Telehealth Payment Eligiblity Analyzer. This booklet targets the Fee-For-Service Provider.
  • Click here to download the Telehealth Services booklet.
  • Click here to read a short blog – Identify Telehealth-Eligible Medicare Sites in Seconds!
  • Click here to visit the Medicare Eligibility Analyzer site.

Medicare Elimination of the GT Modifier for Telehealth Services

Effective January 1, 2018, the GT modifer will no longer be needed on professional claims for telehealth services. This fact sheet from the Medicare Learning Network provides information about the change and how identification will be made on claims.
  • Click here to download the Elimination of the GT Modifier for Telehealth Services Fact Sheet.


Enhanced Nurse Licensure Compact (eNLC)

The eNLC was implemented on January 19, 2018. The south central region, Arkansas, Mississippi, and Tennessee, participate in the eNLC. According to the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN), the compact “enables nurses to practice in person or provide telehealth nursing services to patients located across the country without having to obtain additional license.”

  • Click here to visit the NCSBN website for information and resources about eNLC.


Several updates to the Arkansas Telemedicine Law went into effect on January 1, 2018. With input from experts, the South Central Telehealth Resource Center developed a course module that provides an overview of the law and guides you through each change. The course takes approximately 30 minutes to complete.


Interstate Medical Licensure Compact

In 2017, Tennessee approved legislation to participate in the Interstate Medical Licensure Compact, which allows physicians to practice across state lines. Implementation was delayed until January 1, 2019, to allow for the development of regulations and procedures around the Compact.

Nashville Medical News states, “According to the sponsors of the Tennessee legislation, joining the Compact is consistent with the General Assembly’s focus on the developing field of telehealth and on increasing access to care for Tennesseans, especially those in rural and underserved areas. It also logically follows the state’s recent approval of streamlined licensing procedures for nurses and physical therapists.”

Watch for updates as they become available.

  • Click here to read the Nashville Medical News article.
  • Click here to review the Interstate Medical Licensure Compact website.
Pending Legislation
Tennessee currently has pending legislation related to telehealth.
  • Click here to read the South Central Legislative/Regulatory Update.
  • Click here to read CCHP Tennessee State Law for Telehealth and Telemedicine.


Pending Legislation
Mississippi currently has pending legislation related to telehealth.
  • Click here to read the South Central Legislative/Regulatory Update.
  • Click here to read CCHP Mississippi State Law for Telehealth and Telemedicine.
 Mississippi Telehealth Association

 The Mississippi Telehealth Association is an excellent resource to learn more about laws and regulations for telehealth in Mississippi.

  •  Click here to visit the Mississippi Telehealth Association website.


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