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Listen as Christa Natoli, Deputy Executive Director, The Robert J. Waters Center for Telehealth & e-Health Law (CTeL) provides an introduction to CTeL, shares a state policy overview for Arkansas, Mississippi and Tennessee, and discusses telehealth reimbursement and CBO.

This event was recorded on April 18, 2017. It will require approximately 40 minutes of your time.

Follow-up Participant Questions:

Q: I am an SLP serving Arkansas by teletherapy. Do you have any specific news for speech language pathologists.

A: In terms of physical examination, the patient assessment has to be equivalent to or superior to what you would do in person.

Q: Have there been any lawsuits?

A:Intelligence points to most cases being settled outside of court. There is no record or tool to research these cases. With increased utilization of Telemedicine, it is just a numbers game. Hopefully we won’t see any cases, but we probably will.
Examples of cases that have been pursued are shown below:
Christian Hageseth Case (2009)
Colorado physician prescribed a controlled substance through a web site without consultation for a patient in California. Patient later committed suicide. Physician sentenced to 9 months in jail for lack of medical license in the state of California, not for the diagnosis.

Prison Law Office

The Prison Law Office sues various jail systems in California for the expansion of health care services for   prisoners – including Telemedicine

Q: We have a parity law in Mississippi, but we are having difficulty with reimbursement for RPM. What CPT code should we use – 99091 vs 99490?

A: You can find information about CPT codes at the links below.

Q: How long should you keep records or recordings?

Q: Where can I find the parity laws?

A: You can find information about parity laws as well as other legal and regulatory information at the sites below.

Q: What are your thoughts on how to reach kids in very remote regions?

A: We will have a session at the CTeL Executive Telehealth Spring Summit to show research about engaging student populations in rural areas.

The Summit is June 1-2, in Washington, DC. Click here to register.

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