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Telehealth Research SymposiumThe newly-formed Society for Education and the Advancement of Research in Connected Health (SEARCH) and the South Central Telehealth Resource Center is pleased to announce Ateev Mehrotra, MD, MPH, associate professor of health care policy and medicine at Harvard Medical School and a hospitalist at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, as a keynote speaker at #SEARCH2017, which will be held at the Lansdowne Resort in Leesburg, Virginia, on April 4 & 5. To learn more or to register, click here to visit the SEARCH site.


FeaturedSpeaker_KrupinskiDr.Elizabeth Krupinski, Professor and Vice Chair for Research, Emory University, will be the plenary speaker at #SEARCH2017.

Her presentation, Why the need for research in health care technology? will explain how evaluation is a critical component in any telemedicine program, but often ignored because users are not sure what to measure or how to measure.

Join Dr. Krupinski at #SEARCH2017 as she discusses:

  • Key metrics that are easily acquired and analyzed
  • 3-step protocol for acquiring outcomes data that can be used to assess the efficacy and efficiency of telehealth programs.

Don’t miss this opportunity to network with telemedicine experts and researchers! This 1 & 1/2 day event sets out to advance evidence-based research, which proves the benefits of connected health systems.

Participants will get involved in the connected health conversation by engaging with 15+ speakers, multiple topics, poster presentations and networking events.

Click here to visit the #SEARCH2017 conference website and register today!

Additional Resource

Telehealth-Talk-New-Post-01Click here to listen to Dr. Krupinski’s podcast on Telehealth Talk – 15 Key Steps to Create a Successful Telehealth Program

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