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Each year, there are 2 to 4 million sports-related concussions in the United States. The topic of concussion has become a national news headline over the past year.

At the South Central Telehealth Forum 2016, held in Nashville on August 1 & 2, Dr. R.J. Elbin, PhD, Assistant Professor in Exercise Science at the University of Arkansas and Director of the Office for Sport Concussion Research, presented his findings on patient satisfaction when receiving health care  face-to-face  and via telehealth for sport-related concussions.

Dr. Elbin presented specific data from his research including:

  • Can the clinical visit for concussion be conducted via telemedicine?
  • Does telehealth belong on the sidelines?
  • Is teleconcussion a viable option for speciality referral?
  • Are patients satisified with the telehealth option, especially in medically-underserved areas?

Listen in and take notes as Dr. Elbin shares what he learned with conference attendees. The presentation link and other resources are provided below.

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