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Each year at the South Central Telehealth Forum, awards are presented to individuals who have made a positive impact in telehealth and telemedicine within their communities.

Award winners were announced during opening sessions on August 2! Congratulations to all recipients!

Curtis L. Lowery Telehealth Champion – Terry Eagleton

eagletonL to R: Alan Watson, CEO, Maury Regional Medical Center; Terry Eagleton, Telemedicine Manager; Paul B. Betz, FACHE, Senior Vice President/Chief Operating Officer







A special award presentation was held at Maury Regional Medical Center in June. Terry, surrounded by co-workers, family and friends, was presented with the Curtis L. Lowery Telehealth Champion award.

Wendy Ross, Assistant Director of the South Central Telehealth Resource Center, presented the award. Wendy said, “Terry got behind telehealth and motivated providers to incorporate it into their practices. He was an advocate for the residents of Tennessee, and he was passionate about their access to quality health care.”

Terry was the Telemedicine Manager at Maury Regional Medical Center, and he served on the Advisory Board for the South Central Telehealth Resource Center.

Terry passed away on July 7. He will be greatly missed.


Adam D. Rule Telehealth Ninja – Terri Imus

award_ImusL to R: Dr. Curtis Lowery, Medical Director, Center for Distance Health, Chair, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences;  Terri Imus, RN, BSN, Trauma Telemedicine Coordinator; Tina Benton, RN, BSN, Center for Distance Health Oversight Director; Sarah Rhoads, PhD, DNP, Director, South Central Telehealth Resource Center





Terri has been involved with telehealth since the development of the Center for Distance Health at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences.

Terri said, “I have a passion for the people who live in rural Arkansas. Their access to quality health care is important to me. I also worked with Adam. I saw his excitement, and I loved his innovative thinking. It means so much to have Adam’s name on this award.”
In her role as the Trauma Telemedicine Coordinator, Terri works with the Trauma Image Repository and the Hand Trauma programs. She is also serving her second term on the Arkansas State Board of Nursing.


Curtis L. Lowery Telehealth Champion – Chip Templeton

Award_chipL to R: Sarah Rhoads, PhD, DNP, Director, South Central Telehealth Resource Center; Tina Benton, RN, BSN, Center for Distance Health Oversight Director; Chip Templeton, Telehealth Education Manager, Mississippi State University Extension Services; Dr. Curtis Lowery, Medical Director, Center for Distance Health, Chair, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences





Chip describes himself as a telehealth advocate. He works within his community to spread the word about the benefits of telehealth and telemedicine.

He said, “The advocate role is important. I can work with business owners and community leaders to promote the benefits of using telehealth and telemedicine. Being an advocate is also important for the people living in the community – the average person. They need to know about the benefits, too.”

Chip is the Telehealth Education Manager at the Mississippi State University Extension Service. He is also a member of the South Central Telehealth Resource Center Advisory Board.

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