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Rotator-Graphic_PendingLegislation-300x101The following is a list of legislative activities for telehealth and telemedicine within the South Central region (AR, MS and TN).  A special thanks goes to the Center for Connected Health policy for providing this information. You may visit their webpage by clicking the following link:

Pending legislation and regulation webpage


State Bill # Status Summary
Mississippi HB 41 4/19/16:,Conference Committee Report adopted by House and Senate Enacts into law the interstate medical licensure compact and provide that the state enters the compact with other States that join in the compact; authorizes the State Board of Medical Licensure to implement the provisions of the interstate medical licensure compact.
Tennessee HB 2331 (Companion Bill SB 2373) 4/18/16: In House. Substituted on House floor by S 2373. This bill would eliminate the requirement that a healthcare services provider be at a hospital or other qualified site for the service to be considered telehealth services for insurance purposes; requires health insurance entities to reimburse healthcare service providers at the same rate for telehealth services as for in-person encounters.
Tennessee SB 2373 (Companion Bill HB 2331) 4/21/16: Transmitted to Governor for action. This bill would eliminate the requirement that a healthcare services provider be at a hospital or other qualified site for the service to be considered telehealth services for insurance purposes; requires health insurance entities to reimburse healthcare service providers at the same rate for telehealth services as for in-person encounters.

LEGISLATION: Dead / Session Ended

State Bill # Status Summary
Mississippi HB 1177 2/23/16: Died in Committee This bill would define and regulate the practice of telemedicine.
Mississippi HB 1178 3/22/16: Died in Committee This bill would define and regulate the practice of telemedicine.
Mississippi HB 1187 2/23/16: Died in Committee This bill would define the practice of telemedicine and require certain standards among other items.
Mississippi HB 1192 3/22/16: Died in Committee This bill prohibits health insurers, health care subscription plans and health maintenance organizations from denying payment for diagnosis, treatment, or consultation provided by telemedicine if that service would be covered if it had been provided in person; provides that any such entity that denies payment for services required under this act shall be subject to penalty by the Commissioner of Insurance for the cost of the denied service and a punitive fine for each violation occurrence.
Mississippi HB 408 4/5/16: Died in Committee This bill would provide an income tax credit to employers who pay costs in connection with a qualified wellness program.  The program must consist of a number of components, including a supportive environment component, which includes access to health options at the workplace which could include on site and/or telehealth services.
Mississippi HB 829 2/23/16: Died in Committee Requires the state and school employee’s health insurance management board to establish a pilot program for urgent healthcare services using a telemedicine kiosk model managed by the University of Mississippi Medical Center.
Mississippi SB 2071 2/23/16: Died in Committee This bill would amend the Medical Practice Act to provide sections that will define telemedicine, provide standards for providing treatment via telemedicine and authorize the Mississippi Board of Medical Licensure to promulgate rules relating to telemedicine.
Mississippi SB 2171 2/23/16: Died in Committee Requires the state and school employee’s health insurance management board to establish a pilot program for urgent healthcare services using a telemedicine kiosk model managed by the University of Mississippi medical center.
Mississippi SB 2412 3/22/16: Died in Committee This bill would enact the medical licensure compact.
Mississippi SB 2460 2/23/16: Died in Committee This bill would authorize and direct the Division of Medicaid to issue a request for proposals for the implementation of a Medicaid Primary Care Case Management shared savings program pilot that would include, among other items,  require an individual care plan for each participant who is considered chronically ill and generating  a large percentage of health care costs that would include improved access and availability to specialty services via telemedicine for the rural populations/practitioners.
Mississippi SB 2517 2/23/16: Died in Committee This bill would define telemedicine services in the medical practice act, provide standards for physicians utilizing telemedicine and create civil penalties for health insurers who denies payment for services delivered via telemedicine.
Mississippi SB 2742 2/23/16: Died in Committee This bill would prohibit a health insurer from denying payments for diagnosis, treatment or consultation provided via telemedicine if it would be covered if done via in-person.



State Bill # Status Summary
Arkansas 060.00.16 1/26/16: Proposed Rule Comment Deadline: 4/7/16 Would require that the initial administration of an abortion inducing drug be done in the physical presence of the physician who prescribed, dispensed or otherwise provided it.

Adopted Rules

State Bill # Status Summary
Mississippi Part 225, Chapter 1, Rule 1.2 3/2/16: Rule Adoption Effective: 5/1/16 For Medicaid, would allow Licensed Professional Counselors to be distant site providers and be an originating site tele-presenter to enable the collection of an originating site fee.
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