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State Bill # Status Summary
Arkansas HB 1076 4/2/15: Enacted. This bill would prohibit the use of telemedicine to administer the abortion pill.  Similar to SB 53.
Arkansas SB 53 2/25/15: Act No. 139 This bill would prohibit the use of telemedicine to administer the abortion pill.  Similar to HB 1076.
Arkansas SB 96 2/11/15: Signed by Governor. Act No. 46 This bill would provide for the Department of Human Services to submit and apply for a federal waiver or authority necessary to transform the Arkansas Medicaid program into a program with maximum state flexibility in the use of the funds for innovative and cost-effective solutions for the provision of health care.  Among other things, the solutions through this effort shall aim to sustain and improve optimized use of telemedicine.
Arkansas SB 133 4/1/15: Enacted Sponsor: Bledsoe

This bill would authorize reimbursement and regulation of services provided through telemedicine, among other things.

Arkansas SB 678 3/24/15: Enacted This bill appropriates funds towards electronic health records and telehealth services grants.
Tennessee HB 699 4/24/15: Signed by Governor. This bill clarifies certain standards related to a telehealth encounter, including consent, a provider-patient relations, licensing, and the definition of telehealth.
Tennessee SB 1223 4/30/15: Chaptered. This bill relates to Physicians and Surgeons; establishes requirements and protections for healthcare providers that practice telehealth.


Source: Center for Connected Health


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