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Carl and Amy began their week in Nashville, TN at the Tennessee Hospital Association Exposition.  With over 500 attendees, it was a large audience to promote Telehealth.  We heard concern over the Tennessee board of Medical Examiners’ proposal for Telemedicine regulation. You can read more about the proposal  here and here.  The SCTRC will keep watch for the outcome of this issue. Whatever happens, we will be happy to see growth in Telemedicine in the region to aid in reaching the entire population with healthcare!

Later in the week, the South Central Telehealth Resource Center manned a booth at the Mississippi Academy of Family Physicians Conference in Memphis, TN.  Forty-nine physicians were in attendance for their three-day event. Those we spoke to had no doubt that Telemedicine was coming and were wondering how they would fit into the future healthcare scenario. We explained to them the value of building partnerships with specialists in the larger cities to hopefully work out a way for their patients to remain in their community and receive specialty care over Telemedicine. Our hope was to encourage them to receive their continuing education online when they could, which would save them money and time away from their practice. It is definitely a different way of thinking and will require a change in practice. We hope to aid in any concerns our physicians are facing.

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