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Where is Telehealth and Telemedicine in Arkansas, Mississippi, and Tennessee?

By July 23, 2014February 26th, 2024No Comments

Telehealth and Telemedicine is a two-way connection…you have to know who you can call and partner with! The SCTRC is on a mission to collect the contact information for every site in the tri-state area using Telehealth and Telemedicine – and we need your help! Please send us your end points!  We need site names, addresses, counties, phone numbers, emails, contact people if applicable, and what programs are available at that site. As we compile this data, we will make it available to you so we can all interact through education and medicine! Email your information directly to Amy Abdella at Thank you in advance for your assistance! We look forward to seeing how far reaching our programs are through the SCTRC.


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