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Why Exhibit at the SCTF2014?

By April 15, 2014February 26th, 2024No Comments

South Central Telehealth Forum 2013We encourage you to join us for the 2014 South Central Telehealth Forum. We will be at the DoubleTree Hotel in Downtown Little Rock, May 8-9, for another exciting telehealth-focused event. We would love for you to support the conference by exhibiting and sponsoring. You may be asking yourself why our event. Well, there are many reasons…

As you know, telehealth is quickly expanding across the nation. This is especially true in rural areas as it is sometimes difficult for people in these areas to access adequate specialized healthcare. This is where telehealth comes in, and thus the reason for exhibiting at the forum. This conference emphasizes the states of Arkansas, Mississippi, and Tennessee – states with vast numbers of rural areas. Obviously, this leads to a greater need for telehealth, and therefore a greater need for you to be at the South Central Telehealth Forum 2014.

Last year, our inaugural year, was a huge success. There were 192 people that attended the SCTF last year, and we hope to have even more this year. Our attendees came from all over the country. Attendees included telehealth program developers, subject-matter experts, administrators, and other decision makers all under one roof.

Not all telehealth professionals have the means to attend large national conferences, but the proximity and the price of the SCTF help make expert knowledge accessible. Participants in this conference are passionate about telehealth and you as an exhibitor have the ability to utilize this enthusiasm for your services.

Our focus for the conference is to give attendees the next steps they need to begin or sustain their telehealth programs. Your products or services may be just what they are missing to be successful. We don’t want anyone to miss out on this opportunity, an opportunity to make connections and create working relationships.

Don’t miss out on these very affordable support possibilities.




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