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As we approach the end of another year we wanted to look back to some highlights from 2013 at LearnTelehealh.

Our Top Videos of the Year

LearnTelehealth Featured Site Series

Our staff multi-media specialist, Brian Lee, produced some great videos in 2013 leading off with the “Featured Site” series. The series was produced to show examples of practitioners forging a new path in their organizations by using telehealth. Check out all the videos here. Here are few great examples:

Featured Site: UAMS ANGELS Call Center

Featured Site: Arkansas Heart Hospital


Featured Site: West Central Center on Aging, Fort Smith, AR

LearnTelehealth Explainer Series – mHealth

mHealth exploded in 2013 and we produced a primer video highlighting the subject. It’s the latest in our popular Explainer Series.

2013 South Central Telehealth Forum recordings

If you could not attend our forum in-person, this might be the next best thing – you can peruse 13 videos from experts nation-wide. Here are a few staff picks:

There are lots more videos from the Forum here:



The Quarterly Thought Symposium Series

2013 was a great year for expert telehealth presentations. Be sure to check out all four videos below to learn from successful programs.

“Connecting the Arkansas Delta”, presented by Connie Ash, Director of Quality & Nursing Informatics from the Great River Medical Center


 “Using Telemedicine to Provide Pediatric Genetic and Follow-up Newborn Screening Services” presented by Lianne Hasegawa, MS, CGC, Genetic Counselor, Western States Genetic Collaborative, Hawaii Department of Health


“Telehealth Reimbursement in Mississippi” presented by Dr. Kristi Henderson, DNP, CAPO, CFNP, University of Mississippi Medical Center


“Teledermatology in Arkansas” presented by Dr. Chris Schach, MD, Ozark Dermatology Clinic,


We hope you enjoy the videos and will continue to consider LearnTelehealth as a key contributor to your telehealth learning. Please let us know if we can do better. There’s  a comment box below.

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