The view of Gatlinburg
The SCTRC Outreach team just returned from the Rural Health Association of Tennessee (www.RHAT.org) 18th Annual Conference on Nov. 14-16. The goal of each year’s conference is to educate participants about health concerns affecting rural Tennessee. The specific goal of this year’s conference was to highlight the different “sounds” of rural health in Tennessee- the challenges and opportunities that communities face in addressing health care needs.
We met a lot of people excited about telehealth in the region. Kim and I enjoyed sharing the services and resources we offer. We met several conference speakers that are eager to speak at our conference and learn more about how they can begin and, for some, expand their telehealth programs. Special mention to the all those that signed up and became members of www.LearnTelehealth.org We look forward to interacting with you there!

Meeting new friends, talking telehealth
The SCTRC team was among over 60 vendors ranging from healthcare facilities and providers, higher education institutions and non-profit organizations. Our team made valuable contacts and heard many great speakers. The conference and exploring Tennessee was a pleasure and a great connection to telehealth in our region!

Our telehealth experts, Kim and Tamara, flying our colors in beautiful Tennessee